Abdullahi dan Fodio

Abdullahi dan Fodio (ca. 1766–1828), Sultan of Gwandu (1819–1828), was a scholar and brother of Usman dan Fodio (1754–1817). Usman, being more of a scholar than politician, delegated the practical regency of the western part of his empire to Abdullahi, who later became the Emir of Gwandu, and the eastern part to his son Muhammad Bello. The title of sultan was passed on to Bello. 1815.[1]

Abdullahi was also a writer like his brother; he wrote a voluminous book on the Fulani Jihad, supplementing his brother's works on the same subject. After, the ascension of his nephew as Sultan, Abdullahi became partly detached from secular leadership, forgoing the post of Vizier or Waziri but he still maintained his position as emir.

In a nutshell one can without contradiction say that malam Abdullahi as he was widely known was a devoted teacher, warrior, astute politician, administrator and prolific writer. Shiekh Abdullahi lived life in accordance to the dictates of his religion, this belief was introduced to him by his elder brother Shehu usman dan fudiye (fodio) early in life. Both were of same parental background, though their history is inter-twined Usman senior's Abdullahi by twelve years. As a result, their father entrusted the young Abdullahi under the care of Usman who served both as teacher and guide in matters of religion. Shiekh Abdullahi as he later grew to be named said in several of his writing that he had been under the brother's influence for nearly fifty years and hardly would any writing from the shiekh be seen by any before himself. Shiekh Abdullahi was regarded by his contemporaries as a "moving encyclopedia" because of his vast knowledge in Arabic language; Qur'anic tafsir (commentary); Hadith; Usul and the art of Qur'anic recitation (tajweed) it was reported that some of his students referred to him as Hausaland Arab. He taught so many, among whom was sultan Muhammed Bello who happened to be the second child of shehu dan fodio as Buhari was his first. Abdullahi has written extensively on administration most especially on the rights and duties of both leadership and the followership.Though, research on the number of books written by Abdullahi is still ongoing,however, over one hundred plus books were so far discovered. Anyone can access them in reputable bookshops across towns and cities in northern and western Nigeria; Niger Republic and Al-Azhar University in Egypt. Some of Shiekh Abdullahi's writing are listed as follows:

  1. Alfara'idul jalilah
  2. Idau Nusukh Man Akhaztu Minhu Mina shuyukh
  3. Al-Targhibu Wa Tarnibu
  4. Al-Nasihatul Wadiah
  5. Al-Nasaih Fi Ahamil Masaili
  6. Al- Hisnu al Rasinu
  7. Al-lu'ulu al- Masun fi kawa'idil Uyun
  8. Al-Nasihatu bi takrib ma yajib ala kulli Mukallafi
  9. Al-Niyyatu fil Ahmali Duniyawiyah
  10. Aklakul Musdafa
  11. Adabul Adati
  12. Idaul zadul Ma'ad
  13. Al-Tarikul jadat
  14. Al-Niyyatu fil Ahmal Diniyyah
  15. Al- Bahrul Muhit
  16. Al-Asmau Sab'at ala Darikati Sadati Khal- Watiyyah
  17. Al-Addati ala Sunnati al Rasul
  18. Ababul Mu'asharah
  19. Al-Tibyanu Li Hukukil Insani
  20. Al-Nasihatul Waliat
  21. Al Kawkabu Satin
  22. Al fiyatul Usul(23)Al fiyatul Nikai(24)Islahu Zad(25)Bayanul Arkan w shurut Darikati Kadiriyya(26)Bayanul Arkan wa shurut Darikati Sufiyyah(27)Tahzibul Insan Min Khisal Shaidani(28)Tahribu Ma'ajama Shaykh(29)Tazyinul Warakat(30)Tahmis Dainnat Shaykh(31)Ta'ilimul Anam bi Ta'zim Rabbuna Wa Rusulina(32)Ta'arifu ma fi jami'ul Bukhari(33)Tarihul Wama Wa Salihina(34)Tahmisu Kasaidi Ashariyyah(35)Ta'limul Radi bi Ashabi Mawatil Aradi(36)Talhisu al-Hisnu al Rasinu(37)Jaudatu Sadati(38)Hulasatu Usul(39)Dawawul Waswas(40)Durarul Hikami Lil Rasuli Wa Ahlul Karam(41)Darhul Kaihati fi ilmil Hayhati(42)Raudul Ashiki fi madhi Sayyidil Ibadi(43)Zadul Ma'adi(44)Sabilul Najjati(45)Sabilul Ahlu Salahi(46)Sirajul Ahlul Salahi(47)Sirajul jamiu lil Bukhari(48)Sabilul Murshidi al mu'in ala Daruri Min Ulumi din(49)Sabilu Salamah fil Imamah(50)Sulalatul Miflah(51)Sabilu Salawati(52)Shifau Nasi Min Dawail waswasi(53)Shuknil-Ihsani ala Minanil Manan(54)Shifau Nasi Min dail Gaflati(55)Liyau Tawali fi Ma'ani Tanzil(56)Liya'ul Hukkami(57)Liya'ul Anami fil Halali wal Harami(58)Liya'ul Sultani(59)Liya'ul Umara(60)Liya'ul Wilayat(61)Liya'ul Ummati fi Adilati Ummati(62)Liya'ul Kawaidi wa Nasril Tawaidi(63)Liya'ul Ihtisabi(64)Liya'ul Siyasati(65)Liya'ul Mujahidin(66)Liya'ul Ulumi Din(67)Liya'ul Sanad(68)Liya'ul Hulafa wa man Dunahum Minal Awiyau(69)Laul Musali(70)Liyau Ulil Amri Wal Mujahidin(71)Liyau Miktadina(72)Liyau Anam(73)Liyau Imam fi Islahil Anam(74)Liyau Ahlul Rashadi.

For more than twenty years now scholars and students in sokoto area, northern Nigeria, western part of Africa are researching and analysing the works of this great shieykh. Four volumes of the lot have so far been published with analytical commentaries from varying opinion. These are (a)Tazyinul Waraka(b)Liya'ul Siyasati(c)Liya'ul Hukkami(d)Miftahu Tafsiri. Shieykh Abdullahi bn Fudi has written extensively on almost all issues affecting his society and that served as a reference point for generations about two hundred years ago. (mairaha, Gwandu-Nigeria)


  1. ^ http://www.tribune.com.ng/31102006/features.html